Where To Put Those Unmailed Letters
Heads up, this content is 18 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading.

I’m proud to announce the launch of my latest venture:

Unmailed.org is a community website where people can post their unmailed letters. You know, the angry, confessional, regretful, longing rants that they addressed to someone in the heat of the moment, but knew better than to actually mail. This is a place for intense emotion. This is the soundproof room that you can lock yourself inside to scream as loud as you want and get it all off your chest. This is a place for emotional exhibitionism and voyeurism, support, confessions, and connections. This is PostSecret with the full story behind it. Your host on this site is Jesse Bolin — a man with some unbelievable stories of his own to tell. He came to the project with the idea and the drive to make it happen. I came to the project with faith in him, and the web development skills to back him up. I’m pleased with how the site is functioning so far, and I’m looking forward to adjusting it based on the kind of response it gets. We just launched it yesterday! I cordially invite you to visit, to read, to comment, and to contribute. You’re welcome to use a pseudonym if wish to be anonymous. Please register for an account, log in, and share that letter you’ve been holding onto — either in your mind or in your notebook — and get it all off your chest in safe company.

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