Things Heating Up in Quito
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My cousin, Katie is in Ecuador this year. She writes:

I couldn’t leave Quito this past weekend because of blockades on all roads leading to the capital. I also couldn’t walk to work because I have to walk past the presidential palace, which was completely guarded by tanks, soldiers, and lots of big GUNS! There were protests in high schools, many of which got out of hand and suppressed by the police with gas. It’s REALLY big news here. One of my students told me today that he wanted to start a huelga de los estudiantes (a student strike). He then chanted,”Viva el paro!” (paro=strike) He’s in 3rd grade. It would be a lot different to grow up in an unstable place with lots of political activity. They are learning from a very young age.Here are the articles about what’s going on…Ecuador Quells Indian Trade ProtestOffer Made to Settle Ecuador Oil Dispute

In the first article, the New York Times tells us:

Police fired tear gas at dozens of Indian demonstrators trying to reach the government palace Monday to protest free-trade talks with Washington this week that are expected to draw thousands of opponents to the capital.

And Katie adds:

ALSO,It’s not “Indians”; it’s “indigenous”.They’ve asked to be referred to as this and here that’s all people say…so we should probably start referring to them that way.

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