Sarah Psychology 101
Heads up, this content is 19 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading.

If Sarah’s going to accomplish something at home, it’s mostly to succeed if it involves:

  1. The Internet
  2. Other People

Problem: How can we get Sarah to practice her Chinese at home on a regular basis?Proposed Solution:Make a new blog, in which she can journal in Chinese and network it with the language-learning community. There’s no guarantee it will work. She might spend more time tweaking the layout and customizing the settings than translating her thoughts into Chinese. But it’s better than trying to disguise a pill in peanut butter.

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4 Responses to “Sarah Psychology 101”

  1. tim Says:

    that is pretty cool.

  2. Sophie Wilson Says:

    Psychology is one of the most interesting branches of science because there are so many unknowns.;’-

  3. Driving Lights Says:

    when i was still in high school, i always planned to take pyschology because it gives me great interest -*,

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