Customizable Talking Monkey E-Cards
Heads up, this content is 19 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading.

Yes, it’s just a viral ad gimmick to get you to go to But damnit, if they’re going to put this much effort into being nifty, they deserve the traffic. I am über entertained.

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13 Responses to “Customizable Talking Monkey E-Cards”

  1. Dylan (: Says:

    do you remember. your first hummer. awwww yea. baby, babe ayyy.

  2. brad Says:

    Justin Tesa to the stage, Pat murphy to the stage.

  3. emily Says:

    emily, you are the hotest girl i have ever seen. you know it. Is Grace there. Grace, you fine young lady. Have a great day!!

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Okay, I don’t get it. The three comments above made it through the number verification thing. They don’t have URLs included in them, so if they’re trying to spam me, they don’t seem to be accomplishing much. And they’re vaguely meaningful… except that they don’t really make any sense.

    And since they’re all on the same post, they’re vaguely suggestive of spam…

    I really don’t get it…

  5. Mark Ballew Says:

    It probably is spam. Spammers can get past captchas if they aren’t strong enough. Are the IPs the same?

  6. Bryan Says:

    hey nina. I love you

  7. Rupert Says:

    I love the future.The hair,the manicures,the pretty and snazzy people.Ahh…Hollywood.The place to be.Don’t you remember the fresh scent of the judges when you first walk into that audition room for american idol? The rejection.My own 23.6 seconds of fame.I remeber clearly.Paula thought I did a good job.Of course, then I hung my head and walked away.

  8. Fruitenbog Says:

    that is just rude that you put a monkey in those clothes!!!!!

  9. Frank Says:

    I hate this website. Why am I on it then? Well because I thought it was a website to save all the monkeys in the world

  10. Rupert Says:

    Didn’t you just love these e-cards?

  11. zarlii Says:

    hey so were can i get these monk-ey-mail? oh btw ther pretty cutezi ay?

  12. Justin Says:

    tina and the vagtastic voyage

  13. Tyler Says:

    hi dad love you