All conference and no work makes sarah silly…
Heads up, this content is 18 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading.

While taking some websurfing chilltime from the SXSW conference extravaganzas, I ran across the following picture taken of me by Magic Safire at the Web 2.2 Unconference

And really, I think it pretty much sums up my presence at these conferences, for better or worse.

Quick anecdote: Min Jung Kim was stepping out of the ladies’ room at the Web 2.2 when I jumped in front of her and tried to “Ooga booga!” accost her with the finger puppets. She looked at me like I had nine heads.

I did.

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One Response to “All conference and no work makes sarah silly…”

  1. Dopp Juice » Blog Archive » Hairy Says:

    […] (and for the confused and curious… i used to look more like this.) […]