Workathon to Benefit Horton Center
Heads up, this content is 19 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading.

I hereby pledge to donate all of the money I earn or receive in the next two weeks to Horton Center. Today is Monday, May 29. My Workathon will last until Monday, June 12. During this time, I will be helping my grandparents sell their collectibles on eBay (and elsewhere). I’ll also be doing some web development work for clients. If you have any work that I can do for you, now is the best time to ask me to do it. What is Horton Center?Horton Center is an outdoor ministries summer camp associated with the New Hampshire United Church of Christ (UCC) Conference. It sits on top of Pine Mountain in New Hampshire. It has co-ed cabins. Its worship space is the very peak of the mountain. It offers canoing, hiking, archery, ropes courses, and an endless number of creative and group-building activities. It’s run by a bunch of mountain-climbing spiritual hippies. And it’s darned cool. Horton Center provides 8 weeks of youth summer camp and a handful of additional timeslots for families and churches to visit the mountain. I’ve been going there in one form or another since I was five years old, and it has had a profound effect on my physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health. I’ve seen it to do great things for a great number of people. It’s also underfunded, and struggling to get new equipment for its campers. That’s where we come in. Sarah… You’re Endorsing a Church Camp?!?Being a non-churchgoing liberal with mostly non-churchgoing liberal friends, I feel I need to add some disclaimers here. As far as Christian denominations go, the UCC is on the liberal end of the spectrum. They’re adamantly accepting of all people, and they encourage all of their churches to be open and affirming. As their God is Still Speaking website states,

“The UCC has no rigid formulation of doctrine or attachment to creeds or structures. Its overarching creed is love.”

Now, who can argue with that?And in the spirit of full disclosure, I should mention that my mother is an ordained minister in the UCC denomination. And she’s also darned cool. So What Can I Do?Well, like I said, if you have any work you’d like me to do for you — be it building your new website, writing your office guidelines manual, or cleaning out your junk closet — now is the best time to ask me to do it. Even if I can’t do it all in the next two weeks, 100% of what you pay me up front will go to this cause, and you’ll have secured a nice chunk of my time. What if I just want to give you my money?Hey, that’s so nice of you to ask. If you want to add to my fund and receive my undying public blog recognition, donate to me (aka Autumn Technical Designs) via paypal before June 12 by clicking this button:

I will pass it forward to the camp in a check with the rest of my cash. Every little bit helps. Even if you can only afford $3, that’s still a new aluminum arrow for a kid to hit a spiritually-inspired bullseye with.You can also go right to the source by emailing Director Gregg Pitman at or Program Director Mike Simons at for more details on how to make your contribution. At, you can find information about donating to their “33 from 100” challenge to fund the archery range. And since I’m in mountain-mode, let me wrap this announcement up with Horton Center song verse. Really, this is their whole philosophy in a nutshell:

On the loose to climb a mountain,On the loose where I am free,On the loose to live my life the way I think my life should be.I only have a momentand the whole world left to see.I’ll be searching for tomorrow on the loose.

I hope you’ll support me in my Workathon to benefit Horton Center. Spread the word. A talented web developer, tech writer, and wild woman is offering to work for free for the next two weeks in support of this sacred space on a mountaintop. Peace.Disclaimer: This Workathon is simply me, Sarah Dopp, being generous with my resources. No other person or organization asked me to do this, and no one but I should be held responsible for it.

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3 Responses to “Workathon to Benefit Horton Center”

  1. Rachel Says:

    I’ll spread the word. ;) And maybe a bit of a donation…let’s check my bank account here….

    You’re always up to something, aren’t you?

  2. Mike Simons (HCPM) Says:

    Sarah –

    Your generosity, leadership, and enthusiastic spirit are a credit to you and an incredible way to honor the spirit and legacy of Dr. Horton —- on behalf of the entire camp community, I thank you for your commitment to Horton Center; truly, our ministry is blessed to have you a part of it!

    With grateful thanksgiving,

  3. Liz Winters Says:

    I’m so proud of you.