An Empty Market St. on Thanksgiving
Heads up, this content is 19 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading.

Photo_112405_010Last night I wandered the streets of downtown San Francisco for a few hours to check out the holiday scene. It seemed that every establishment fit one of three scenarios:

  1. It was closed.
  2. It was whole-heartedly embracing Thanksgiving with a full turkey dinner for clientele.
  3. It was open, but pretending the holiday didn’t exist.

And it seemed all people on the street and in windows fit one of three types:

  1. They were asleep.
  2. They were whole-heartedly embracing the holiday with a glass of wine in hand and large group of family members nearby.
  3. They were pretending the holiday didn’t exist.

When it started to rain, I thought of my New England family, and how they had just eaten turkey while watching the first snowfall of the year.

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One Response to “An Empty Market St. on Thanksgiving”

  1. Dopp Juice » Blog Archive » Giving Thanks Says:

    […] I spent my first Thanksgiving in San Francisco roaming the streets alone, seeing the holiday from a completely different perspective. I’m equally thankful that this year, I’ve had more turkey dinner invitations than I […]